Hey trotsky! Are you still cleaning condoms for your boyfriend in the park bathrooms?
(too old to reply)
2019-06-25 12:15:16 UTC
How's the herpes coming along? Sores healing up yet?
Jerry Nazareth
2019-06-25 12:16:17 UTC
Post by Maddie
How's the herpes coming along? Sores healing up yet?
I wondered what happened to Gregipus after being dismissed
from Simply Stereo and the Jupiter Radio debacle.

Gregipus Omnisciencius, self-appointed exponent of Being Always
Right About Everything, has been laying waste to the mental midgets
who hound him on rec.arts.movies.current-films. As per his established
pattern for having, uh, "discussions", he has succeeded in pissing off
nearly the entire group. Most of the other participants just ignore
him, whether he makes a topical comment or (much more common) a
personal insult. Gregipus, like his role model the Krooborg, cannot
shake his obsession with dick-measuring contests. Although, in light
of his recent revelations on RAO, we now know he'd much prefer a
dick-sucking contest.
