Not All Sailers Are Homos, Female Sailors Secretly Videotaped Showering on Submarines.
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Finger Food
2014-12-31 09:08:59 UTC
Some of the Navy's first female submariners were secretly
videotaped while undressing and showering on board the USS
Wyoming, a ballistic missile submarine, service officials
confirmed Wednesday.

Navy officials are investigating a 24-year old male sailor who
is accused of making and distributing the videos, according to a
Nov. 14 incident report circulated among the service's senior
leaders, according to Navy Times, which first reported the story.

The male sailor has only been identified as a second class petty
officer, according to Navy Times.

The USS Wyoming, in service since 1996, is an Ohio-class
ballistic missile submarine home ported at Kings Bay, Georgia.
An Ohio-class submarine has about 140 enlisted sailors and
approximately 15 officers. The Wyoming was one of the first
submarines to bring women on board in 2011, adding female supply
officers to the crew.

The videos, recorded over a one year period, are believed to
show at least three female officers while showering or
undressing, according to a source who has spoken to one of the
alleged victims, Navy Times reported.

The Naval Criminal Investigative Service, or NCIS, is
investigating the incidents in question, according to the
incident report, Navy officials said.

"The Navy is aware of an allegation of alleged criminal activity
onboard USS Wyoming home ported at Kings Bay. The Navy and NCIS
are investigating the matter, and unfortunately further details
are not available at this time due to the ongoing investigation.
If the allegations prove to be factual, the Navy will ensure
individuals involved are held accountable for their actions,"
said Lt. Leslie Hubbell, a spokeswoman for Submarine Group Ten,
in a written statement.

The report of the investigation comes to light a day before the
Pentagon has planned to release the annual sexual assault report.

Navy women began submarine training about four years ago and the
service has been preparing to further integrate them on Virginia-
class attack submarines. In addition, the Navy has been
preparing to integrate enlisted women into submarine ranks as

One Navy official who did not wish to be identified expressed
profound disappointment at the news.

"Incidents like this show we are not where we want to be. This
is the stuff we need to flush out to make sure it doesn't happen
again," the Navy official told Military.com.

A Navy submarine officer, who asked for his name not be
published, said he was afraid something like this might occur.

"It sucks. It was bound to happen," he told Military.com.

-- Kris Osborn can be reached at ***@military.com


The Bigapple Mail2News service will be shutting down on December 31st.
Lady Veteran
2014-12-31 18:57:44 UTC
Post by Finger Food
Some of the Navy's first female submariners were secretly
videotaped while undressing and showering on board the USS
Wyoming, a ballistic missile submarine, service officials
confirmed Wednesday.
I can't help but wonder how the guys would feel if this was done to

Not all would enjoy it to be sure.

"I rode a tank and held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank."

---Sympathy for the Devil-The Rolling Stones


If you are an idiot, I am your worst nightmare. My
goal is to let the world see who you really are after
showing you to the world with your virtual pants pulled
down to expose your stupidity. If you are a racist,
fat-basher, bible thumper or a member of the teabircher
Teapotty, you would do well to avoid me at
all costs.

Garry Blinov
2014-12-31 20:05:42 UTC
Post by Lady Veteran
Post by Finger Food
Some of the Navy's first female submariners were secretly
videotaped while undressing and showering on board the USS
Wyoming, a ballistic missile submarine, service officials
confirmed Wednesday.
I can't help but wonder how the guys would feel if this was done to
Not all would enjoy it to be sure.
You've never read "Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash - A Devon Lad's Life in
Nelson's Navy"?

Sure it's British, but they were White Christians too! What makes you
think that it was any different in other Navy's?
Gary Wentz
2015-01-01 23:36:46 UTC
Post by Garry Blinov
Post by Lady Veteran
Post by Finger Food
Some of the Navy's first female submariners were secretly
videotaped while undressing and showering on board the USS
Wyoming, a ballistic missile submarine, service officials
confirmed Wednesday.
I can't help but wonder how the guys would feel if this was done to
Not all would enjoy it to be sure.
You've never read "Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash - A Devon Lad's Life in
Nelson's Navy"?
Sure it's British, but they were White Christians too! What makes you
think that it was any different in other Navy's?
Brits and Griks have always been fond of taking it up the arse.

Americans and Canucks, not so much. Obama IS trying to change
Lady Veteran
2015-01-02 01:52:59 UTC
On Fri, 2 Jan 2015 00:36:46 +0100 (CET), "Gary Wentz"
Post by Gary Wentz
Post by Garry Blinov
Post by Lady Veteran
Post by Finger Food
Some of the Navy's first female submariners were secretly
videotaped while undressing and showering on board the USS
Wyoming, a ballistic missile submarine, service officials
confirmed Wednesday.
I can't help but wonder how the guys would feel if this was done to
Not all would enjoy it to be sure.
You've never read "Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash - A Devon Lad's Life in
Nelson's Navy"?
Sure it's British, but they were White Christians too! What makes you
think that it was any different in other Navy's?
Brits and Griks have always been fond of taking it up the arse.
Americans and Canucks, not so much. Obama IS trying to change
Oh bullshit.

"I rode a tank and held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank."

---Sympathy for the Devil-The Rolling Stones


If you are an idiot, I am your worst nightmare. My
goal is to let the world see who you really are after
showing you to the world with your virtual pants pulled
down to expose your stupidity. If you are a racist,
fat-basher, bible thumper or a member of the teabircher
Teapotty, you would do well to avoid me at
all costs.
