Democrats deceived by muslim molester Barry Soetoro
(too old to reply)
Anonymous Remailer
2008-09-14 02:08:44 UTC
And the Lord said, "Drill, baby, drill!!!"
Muslims say that when they're fucking 6 year old girls.
B. Hussein
2008-09-14 02:19:51 UTC
Post by Anonymous Remailer
And the Lord said, "Drill, baby, drill!!!"
Muslims say that when they're fucking 6 year old girls.
Their swine leader, Mohammad said it was OK! He liked it.
Mark K. Bilbo
2008-09-14 14:25:51 UTC
Post by Anonymous Remailer
And the Lord said, "Drill, baby, drill!!!"
Muslims say that when they're fucking 6 year old girls.
This has what do with anything?
Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
"You know, I'd get it if people were just looking for a
way to fill the holes. But they want the holes. They wanna
live in the holes. And they go nuts when someone else
pours dirt in their holes.

"Climb out of your holes people!"

- Dr. House, on faith