Do fat women have tighter vaginas than skinny ones? Discuss.
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Martin A.
2016-08-08 12:54:22 UTC
I have had sex with both fat and skinny women and I have to say
that skinny women become loose and sloppy after a very short
time compared to fat women. Maybe fat women have stronger
vaginal muscles? Fat makes their vaginas tighter?
Gene Hatch
2016-09-26 04:34:32 UTC
Post by Martin A.
I have had sex with both fat and skinny women and I have to say
that skinny women become loose and sloppy after a very short
time compared to fat women. Maybe fat women have stronger
vaginal muscles? Fat makes their vaginas tighter?
Aren't fat girls kind of stinky?
2016-09-26 06:14:05 UTC
Post by Gene Hatch
Post by Martin A.
I have had sex with both fat and skinny women and I have to say
that skinny women become loose and sloppy after a very short
time compared to fat women. Maybe fat women have stronger
vaginal muscles? Fat makes their vaginas tighter?
Aren't fat girls kind of stinky?
That's definitely a question for ages, Gene...sorta like asking...Coke or
Pepsi?...Chevys or Fords?...Ginger or Mary Ann?

